Saul was a “choice and handsome man… taller than any of the people” appointed by God to be the second king of Israel (after they rejected God, of course). The Lord moved “valiant men… whose hearts [He] had touched” to follow Saul’s orders and help him establish a righteous kingdom. But Saul feared man more than God. “I feared the people and obeyed their voice,” he said in defense of his actions with the Amalekites when he spared what he was commanded to destroy. David, on the other hand, was a man after God’s own heart who heeded the Word of God over the cackling of men. When they wanted to stone him while he lived with the Philistines, he turned to the Lord and told the men to follow. When they advised him to kill Saul on two occasions, he heeded his conscience rather than the voice of mere mortals. The Spirit of God left Saul because he “rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord [rejected him].” But the Spirit of God lived in David and through him wrote much of God’s word. Do I follow the way of Saul by heeding the voice of men over the word of God? Or do I follow the way of David by allowing His word to have dominion over my life? How can you know if you fear man more than God? Will you follow Him when everyone else says you’re wrong?



About mikewarren4gzus

Disciple of Jesus Christ, husband and father of three, Army officer, and Mike4gzus on XBOX Live.

Posted on April 5, 2012, in Just a Thought and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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